Veganism is the new today

Veganism is the new today

Animals, nature, and well-being have never mattered us so much than now. It seems like veganism is the only way. If you need some persuasion, read below!

The inspiration to write this article came after watching a YouTube video of VEGAN 2018 – The Film. As a vegan, I am not really looking to educate myself more on the matter, as I am already a vegan, so I am doing my best, as it is, right? No, it doesn’t stop here. Educating myself more, I am more confident and I have actual facts to present, when in discussions, the never-ending subject, why I am vegan, comes up.

Veganism is not a trend

Being a vegan is not a trend and it is not a phase. At least to those, who really believe in what they are. Veganism is not a lifestyle. It is a life dedicated to saving lives. Not participating in the slaughter of animals, eating healthy and being environmentally conscious.

If you have become vegan just recently, it may not be the case for you, as you are in the whirl of finding out what to eat and which meals to cook. But one day you will start seeing the bigger picture and your small, but important role in it. Perhaps these little thoughts are helping you to be more aware of the current situation and be ready to protect yourself when you are under attack because of who you are.

Why veganism is not a trend? Because people are waking up and seeing that this is not the way to go on. Many changes will take place! Perhaps this is the reason that last year veganism really made a huge raise, precisely 500%! Whopping 500%!

Veganism entered the mainstream

2019. is the year when veganism is entering the mainstream. Many beliefs are changed, the year when every week a vegan restaurant is opened. In the US alone, nearly 25% of the people call themselves a vegan – wow! Being vegan has never been so easy than today. Even for those, who just can’t give up the meat because of its flavour. Worry no more – become a vegan now because now there is Beyond Burger.

It is an invention that was worked out in the United States. Even meat-eaters have been fallen in love with it. This meat alternative is found the aisles between the meat, not in a special corner only meant for free-from products. Ten years ago it would have been unthinkable. More fresh products are available to us and unimaginable amounts of processed vegan foods are available to make the beginning times of a new vegan easier.

A festive table showing kitchenware and a lovely bowl of vegan falafel salad.
Lovely home-made falafel salad at a Thanksgiving outside dinner with friends

Think where your food comes from

When not consuming meat, you save lives and you also save the environment. These are reasons enough to jump on the vegan boat. I guess everybody would agree, if meat-eaters, would see how the cow is milked or the animal is killed for their meal, they would not want to eat it. It is disgusting! But yet it is a norm and vegans are the villains.

Everything that is new is not accepted and this is normal. But everybody, not only vegans, should think that eating no animal products is normal. Nevertheless, we still hear things like: “We have always eaten meat, from the beginning of the time”; “Meat and dairy are good for you”, etc. 2019 can tell you not to believe all that, as these are all outdated reasons and the information – surveys, researches, articles – is out there.

Times have changed

Yes, we used to eat meat, as there was nothing else to eat. Meat and dairy are definitely not good for you. They are the leading cause of tens and tens of health issues. I am not making it up, or nobody is making it up. It was made up by the big corporations. So they can sell more products, to flourish and grow. This all happened for the sake of human lives, who have gotten sicker in recent years, because meat and dairy products are not clean, fresh and healthy, as we believe they are.

With anything that is produced in large quantities, it becomes mass production. And to make it more sustainable monetary wise, different means have set in, which changes the end product and makes the products unhealthy. Any attacks you face in the news by meat industries are not based on real evidence. But bought researches to save their doomed businesses, as their products are no more in such a high demand they used to.

Another big change that veganism is spreading, is being more open about the current climate situation and with changed eating habits making an actual change. In the news, you can read that experts warn that we have until 2030 to stem catastrophic climate change. I mean, we are still young. Life is still ahead. This may be the time when your children are in your prime and they have to grow up in a world, which may be quite unlivable. And they may never enjoy it the way you did when you were young.

Future, not our problem?

The world doesn’t end with us. There are more generations to come. We need to leave the world in such a state for them, which allows them to continue preserving it. We have land enough to feed 9 or 10 billion people. But not when they all eat veal, chicken, and pork. Meat and dairy industries are extremely exhausting for Mother Earth. We are close to depleting its natural sources and for what? For wrong beliefs and our taste buds? Think for a moment, that it takes 127 kg (280 pounds) of grain to make 450 g (1 pound) of beef. But imagine how many people that 127 kg of grain would feed?

Every year people are more and more health-minded. Nevertheless, we are the sickest today. In US the most money is spent on healthcare, but people are not healthier. On the opposite – the situation is getting worse. This makes, of course, to look at what is on the plates of the people. Health becomes better not with visits to a doctor, but changing what is eaten.

Eating meat and dairy is the main cause of today’s illnesses. Heart diseases are the number one killer in the USA. They can be beaten, just with changing a diet. Eating only plant-based meals is known to prevent various cancers, respiratory diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, pneumonia, influenza, and even suicide. Knowing that it would be enough of a reason to quit. To enjoy this life to the fullest and live longer and healthier.


Vegans have given up on serving their taste buds. But they are dedicated to saving the lives of 150 million animals killed daily for food. They do not think they are better, they just want the lives of animals to be better. Also planet Earth. Please do some research, if this wasn’t enough information and please make the change to join the new life already this year. We are here to help you on your path!

Click here to watch the Vegan 2018 – The Film HERE.

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