Tag: vegan food toronto

Community fundraiser: raising money for Dara Farm Sanctuary

Community fundraiser: raising money for Dara Farm Sanctuary

We want to be here more for animals. One way we can do our part is to donate our time to the voiceless. Dara Farm Sanctuary fundraiser is here! ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„Tis’ the season to give and so we are having a community fundraiser sidewalk sale this 

We are still here, but mostly living in the kitchen!

We are still here, but mostly living in the kitchen!

After three and a half months of living on hiatus, it seems most suitable to break the long silence and share what we have been up to!

Creating food against shallowness and commercialism

Creating food against shallowness and commercialism

We delivered a big order for a customer who is very supportive of reusing unconventional packaging. Creating less garbage is what we are after!

Since last week we have had our online vegan food shop officially open. This existed for a while in our heads and finally, we had the courage and means to make our dream come true. Though offering good vegan food is our main output, creating less garbage (and not participating in food waste) is just as important.

Creating vegan food…

When you are thinking of the food we offer, we hope you think of tasty, filling, and flavourful food. The kind of food you remember eating when you were young, the food the wise old women in your family made. But you do not have time to make it at home, or have no interest and learning to make yourself. Food which you can’t buy from the store. And you wouldn’t want to either, because freshness would be lost. As though the store-bought food you crave, may fill the gap for your tastebuds, it definitely creates a gap in your health. Commercially produced foods are always full of empty calories, fillers, and unnatural ingredients and additives to stretch the dollar. Nobody should put that kind of stuff in their bodies.

When we think of the food we are creating, we are following the next simple rule set out by wonderful food guru Michael Pollan:

โ€œIf it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, donโ€™t.โ€

Michael Pollan

And another famous quote from “Finding Nemo”, which has inspired us a lot, in a bit changed form:

“Fish/animals are friends. Not food.”

Bruce the Shark

Simple as that? Right? This is why our recipes are simple and made of few natural plant-based ingredients. We love animals and want them to enjoy their lives. By using only plants, simple herbs, and spices, we are creating pleasant cruelty-free eating experiences. The ingredients do not come to us packed in many packages, and they will not reach the customers packed in many packages. Creating less garbage? Yes, please.

…against shallowness…

We are just making good vegan food. Period. We are not aiming for our products to be visually top-notch. Though we are aware of the fact that we first eat with our eyes, we may not deliver so much in the visual section. But we definitely want to slam in the culinary section! I think this is agreeable, better a bad looking and tasty food, than good-looking, yucky and unhealthy food.

Though I love photography and always want to take good food photographs, I am never aiming to create beautiful, colorful, but always the same-looking Instagram suitable photos. I admit that the vegan food feeds look gorgeous. The creativity of the people is out of this world. I respect plant-based home or professional chefs who make good meals and have wonderful photos. Though I appreciate their work, this is not something I aim to do myself. I want to create less garbage and have the food on the photos look how it actually is. I don’t want to be popular on Instagram, because I want to reach people who appreciate what we are creating. Real food made of real ingredients by real people.

A simple vegan carrot pie, which will be packed so that it will create less garbage.
Simple, few ingredients savoury carrot pie we are offering in our shop

…and commercialism

We do not like buying for buying’s sake. And shopping. And malls. We do not want to add to the richness of big corporations. We are doing everything opposite as much as possible. Commercialism doesn’t help to create less garbage, it only adds more. We do not want to invest in fancy, and beautiful packages you are using just once. The package is meant to be practical, not to give you a wow-effect. This should come while eating the food. Again, I do appreciate it when people put so much effort into making their products beautiful. I myself like simple, environmentally friendly packages or reusing of what is already there. Too many things exist already and via mutual aid, we can share and trade things we do not need. A different approach can be done if the volumes are small and you really care.

So we are saying no to single-use plastic and will not buy any containers or Ziplocks or any plastic items to pack our food into. We have been given by our kind friend some of the above-listed items and we will be using what we have.


How lucky we are that the big order we had was received by a kind person, who actually noticed our so-called homemade attempts to create less waste. We delivered a pack of 6 Pride rainbow cookies with glaze, which we didn’t want to put in a large container with a lid. Instead, we decided to use just the lid as a plate and covered it with foil instead (already had). If you are smart, creative, and care above all, you can use foil many times after you have bought it home, depending on its condition.

Our kind customer noticed this and mentioned that in their follow-up email. They were even so kind as to offer extra containers, which we collected the following day. They said that they wash them and prefer that they be reused at least once before ending up in the landfills since the notorious black takeout food containers are not recyclable (the downside of the ordering in) because the machines cannot detect black. Such are the people we want to reach. Who wants to support food that doesn’t torture animals, to create for customers who appreciate taste over looks, and understand the idea of reusing and a more low-impact lifestyle.

Feel free to leave a container on your porch next time you are ordering from us! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Vegan Very Much Shop is here with June fundraiser!

Vegan Very Much Shop is here with June fundraiser!

This is not our average post, but a short and quite sharp and straightforward announcement! Visit our shop while supporting our fundraiser! We are so happy to announce that our Very Very Much Shop is finally open for business! To start it off in a 

Vegan Very Much is having its 5th year Veganniversary!

Vegan Very Much is having its 5th year Veganniversary!

Do you celebrate your vegan anniversary? Is this even a thing? Yes, it is! And it even does have it’s special name – veganniversary!

Going vegan  – easy tips to help you get started

Going vegan – easy tips to help you get started

You have made a wonderful decision of going vegan. Good for you, we applaud your decision. But whatโ€™s next? Let us share some simple tips to help you!

Pat yourself on the shoulder for making that amazing decision. Summer is the easiest time to start your vegan journey. The new beginnings are sometimes hard and full of challenges. Let us direct you through the obstacles, which may arise. Please take a look at our short to-do list after making a decision when transitioning to a plant-based life. Please know that this list is in random order. You will find what is more important to you, so you can tackle that first. If you have anything else to add, please let us know, we would love to update this list.

Simple tips to follow to help your transition easier to vegan

*Start clearing your pantry, fridge, and freezer โ€“ read the labels and take all out which is not made of plants. But please do not trash the food. Look for donation options via community fridges, food banks, especially if you have lots of unopened products. If you have opened items and feel comfortable giving them away, please put everything in a box. Put it on the curb, or by recycling collection areas and your food will find a new home fast.

*Plan your meals โ€“ in the beginning, it may hard to find what to eat. Thatโ€™s why you should have ideas for the first weeks. Find inspiration from Elephantastic Vegan.

*Tell your friends and family about your decision on going vegan โ€“ tell them your story. Add whatever you want to share with them, now when you are on your plant-based journey. Perhaps sharing this link from The Spruce Eats helps them to understand you better from the eating perspective.

*Educate yourself constantly โ€“ read more. Follow vegan news, check new recipes, visit vegan forums โ€“ the vegan community is there to help you.

*Meet other vegans โ€“ post on Instagram, follow fellow vegan websites, reach out in your neighbourhood groups โ€“ the people you meet there will always offer you support and help to answer your questions.

*Ask help from us โ€“ we are always here to help people transitioning to vegan and share personal tips on their righteous path.

Two wonderful vegan meals, a burger and fries.
Whoever told you that vegan food is boring, they were wrong. Look at this photo and you agree.

More to come, so keep your head up!

We will break these points to separate articles and help you find more information behind all these suggestions. So, please check back weekly to find more information.

It may not be easy in the beginning, but which beginning is easy ever? So stay true to yourself. Remind yourself of the reason for you going vegan. Think of the values, the lives of the animals in whose death you are not participating, and of what it means to you. We are creatures of habits, we can change if we want to, it takes time, but it can be done!

Welcome to the wonderful vegan family!

Ask and you’re given – mutual aid at its best

Ask and you’re given – mutual aid at its best

Do you need anything? Just ask. Mutual aid is based on asking and helping each other’s goals come true! Get to know more about it below.

We are new Toronto Food Not Bombs volunteers

We are new Toronto Food Not Bombs volunteers

”Toronto Food Not Bombs is a grassroots organization dedicated to providing food security and dignity one meal at a time”.