Tag: save planet

Plastic Free Beach Toronto thanks to Dora Attard

Plastic Free Beach Toronto thanks to Dora Attard

Be open and let the world inspire you. Dora Attard inspired us when we met her at Woodbine Beach. Please find out more about her work below.

Making peace with plastic. Is it possible?

Making peace with plastic. Is it possible?

We have been consciously plastic-free for 3 years. But we still hate it, so we are curious if there is a way to make peace with plastic.

Plastic-Free July is here to make the (useless?) plastic go away!

Plastic-Free July is here to make the (useless?) plastic go away!

Most likely not, but July allows us to bring more attention to a (useless?) material, which is polluting our world in every field of the world.

We are literally drowning in plastic and most of it is absolutely useless. It found its way to our home as a wrapper around so many products. The main task of plastic is to offer a case in what we are bringing food home. Or something else like beauty, cleaning and household products, most of the things really. It almost seems pointless to talk about the useless plastic we are trashing daily.

What makes plastic so good?

It is a unique material with many benefits.

It is:

  1. cheap
  2. lightweight
  3. resistant

So all this makes plastic a valuable material for many functions. Ir provides environmental benefits, as believe it or not, it actually plays a critical role in the food industry. It helps to maintain food quality, its safety and helps to reduce food waste. Though it hurts us to see produce packed in plastic, most of the time excessive, it ables for the products to reach to the stores and our homes safely and fresh. Of course one can skip the plastic while buying local and visiting farmer’s markets. But as plastic is convenient, so is shopping at the grocery malls.

Where you can find (useless?) plastic?

Even if we consciously are thinking of bringing less plastic home, it lurks in some little-known places. You can look around in your home, and not go that wild, as Werner Boote did. He bought out all the items at his home, which were made of plastic. And he set them on his lawn. Take a look at the photo and find out about the 2009 documentary here. So these are the most common items you can find at home made of plastic.

  • Most of the food packaging
  • Milk and juice cartons
  • Metal cans – read more about our investigation here.
  • Synthetic fabrics – polyester, nylon, rayon, and acrylic yarns and fabrics are all made from plastic. These are shedding millions of microscopic plastic fibers that eventually wind up in waterways.
  • Baby wipes and diapers
  • Wrapping paper – is most of the time a mix of plant fibers and laminated plastic.
  • Chewing gum
  • Cigarette filters
  • Glue
  • Coffee cups – unfortunately even those that appear to be made from paper often have plastic in the lining.

We all have most of these listed items at home. Can we live without them? Sure! Though it is difficult we can make wiser choices and eliminate as much as we can.

Skip the useless plastic!

What we all can do to create less garbage, or at least bring less of it home, is to choose plastic-free items. Yes, not only products, which are wrapped with a material that is having a negative impact on our oceans and wildlife. But also products which are made of useless plastic. People tend to create more waste in high-income countries. So it should be also easier to implement the changes in such places. If you are in North America, when reading this, please do your part.

Here is a list of materials to choose over plastic:

  • Stainless steel
  • Glass
  • Platinum silicone
  • Natural fiber cloth
  • Wood
  • Bamboo
  • Pottery
  • Paper
  • Cardboard

Choosing these materials over useless plastic, which is so over-produced, because it is cheap and relatively durable, you will start seeing less plastic in your home. By choosing the above-mentioned materials you are already making the world a better place. A tiny step at the time. Based on where you are located the management of plastic determines the risk of plastic entering the ocean. High-income countries have quite effective waste management systems. So only a little will end up in the oceans. Worse is the situation in middle- and low-income countries. Because they are the main sources of global plastic pollution.

Underwater scene showing rubbish and ocean fish swimming in useless plastic.
Image by Naja Bertolt Jansen
Imagine all this garbage in the ocean or waterways. Even if you do not see it where you are living, it nevertheless means that this is real.

How to break the plastic habit?

There are many easy swaps on how we all can start to cut plastic pollution. This is a small, but great step to make us feel good and do our part. Start with the basic manageable swaps, which are helping cut down the plastic use.

  • Single-use plastic shopping bags – start using reusable bags.
  • Plastic bottles – start using a reusable cup.
  • Items packed in plastic – if possible, opt for not packaged or glass or metal packaging.
  • Plastic toothbrushes – Bamboo toothbrushes.
  • Liquid dish soap – in the kitchen use the powder for the dishwasher and a bar for handwashing.
  • Plastic sponge and scrubber – choose a natural sponge, luffa, or wooden brush.
  • Plastic trash bags – put the paper bags to good use, line with newspaper.
  • Laundry detergent in plastic bottlespowdered laundry detergent or soap nuts (share your experience in the comments, if you have used them)
  • Clothing, bedding, towelsorganic cotton, wool, bamboo, or hemp.
  • ETC.

We suggest you start with the easier swaps, as listed above first and then move to the harder ones. Also, do not be afraid of reusing. This also helps to save items and helps to create less plastic. Some swaps are much easier to make than others — but you can definitely tackle the harder ones if you challenge yourself. Approach playfully and while looking for plastic-free options opt for cheaper options, so you can save more and buy other plastic-free items. Plastic-Free-July is here to provide much-needed information about (useless) plastic and how to avoid it.

Read more detailed suggestions from a wonderful article Learn Earth Easy has written and get more swap ideas.


We can’t help but notice as July is approaching that it is time to celebrate Plastic-Free July. We have a complicated relationship with plastic for some years. I mean we are not buying plastic things and if we want to buy something, we consider where it is made and of what it is made and then reconsider. The beginning was hard, but since we love challenges, we did it. It is the right moment to check the Plastic-Free July to-do sheet and be determined to keep your promises. Share THIS SHEET with your friends to make it more fun!

But on a more serious note, unfortunately, the trade-offs between plastic and substitutes are complex. As earlier said plastic is a good material to use in the food industry for example. As it is essential for the prevention of food losses, wastage, and contamination. Storage and packaging play a crucial role from harvest all the way through to the final consumption of the foods we eat. Even if some consider the final phase of packaging (from retail to home) to be unnecessary, it is likely it has played an important role in preserving food from the farm to the retail stage.

So, plastic may not be so useless then after all. And perhaps the main solution here is to close down plastic-producing plants. One by one. As otherwise, our best efforts seem like taping the crumbling wall with pieces of tape. Or should we do anything at all?


Our World In Data

Learn Earth Easy

Have you seen the ad of Tru Earth Laundry Eco-Strips?

Have you seen the ad of Tru Earth Laundry Eco-Strips?

After watching this video – you will know more than enough about Tru Earth laundry eco-strips and you will be sold. We definitely are!

Biomethane and the environment- Why the car you drive matters

Biomethane and the environment- Why the car you drive matters

If you absolutely have to buy a new car, then please consider for the sake of our planet, investing in a biomethane gas vehicle!

Covid-19, the environment and us

Covid-19, the environment and us

Covid-19 is storming our consciousness, and its impact will not be forgotten. The environment has a break, as this virus has a positive impact on nature.

The world has been both reacting and responding to the novel coronavirus Covid-19. People are storming grocery stores to hoard food, toilet paper, and other essentials. To be honest, I never imagine I’d experience this reality in my life. As Y2K or year 2000 came and went and some of us still had the matched, candle and dwindling food supplies.

We are temporarily emitting less CO2!

Through a human effort to contain or better yet, mitigate the infectious virus, CO2 emissions have decreased by a quarter in the largest, most polluted economy – China. Unnecessary productions across the globe have been halted, and people should self-isolate, work from home and practice social distancing. While these things are great in slowing down the spread of coronavirus, it is amazing that humans can see a difference in the environment by simply putting a stop to the activities that negatively affect the planet. It’s unfortunate that production will speed up to catch up on what was missed after the corona nightmare is over.

What if we continue to do some of these things even after coronavirus is no longer a hot topic at the forefront of our collective mind? I hope we will think about the pandemic according to WHO (World Health Organization). And realize that our hearts and minds were changed because of this shared experience of vulnerability. I hope that we will be more careful and conscious consumers. That we’ll use our purchasing power wisely. Acknowledging that is just as important as voting for salespeople politicians if not more.

The power of health these days

At this time, many of us are keenly aware of the power of our health. Some of us did not take it so seriously just months ago last year. We eat what we want even if it is slowing killing us. Now is the time to eat vegan as it’s the safest way to make sure you don’t eat raw animal products. Since Covid-19 needs a human or animal host to grow and spread. The origins of this virus have been linked to lizards, bats and alive animal market in Wuhan, the epicenter of the virus since December 2019.

How our actions affect everything

What if we continued to drive less, buy less, take our health seriously knowing that it could be taken away at any time? No, living in fear is not the answer. But our very survival as humans on earth is threatened each and every day by the decisions we make or fail to make. Covid-19 is unknown and scary, while global warming has neem known for decades while we live in denial of it.

Two women showing their hands, which have to be washed many times for at least 20-30 seconds.
The easiest way to keep yourself healthy is to wash your hands often and thoroughly and not to touch your mouth, nose or eyes. Especially in public places.

What should I do during this time…?

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. (optional: while singing your favourite song in your head to spare others)
  • Avoid panic buying (more than your share of supplies, i.e., food, water, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and masks), but do get your meds!
  • Avoid large crowds and work from home if possible!

Update: Many places of work are now operating only remotely.

  • Have compassion for other humans- you probably don’t need 24 packs of yeast..if someone asks you for one to bake a cake for a child’s birthday party, give her one put some back! (crazy story a colleague shared, *SMH*).
  • And most importantly, hold dear a vision of a better tomorrow for humanity; one that honours all life!
  • meditate t centre yourself
  • Stay away from people who want to argue with you for not wearing a mask.
Eating local food doesn’t matter – what you eat does!

Eating local food doesn’t matter – what you eat does!

If you want to be more environmentally friendly, then you should eat local food. We all know that, right? But how wrong we have been believing that!

What to know about a shampoo (bar)?

What to know about a shampoo (bar)?

Nature lovers headache: who would have known that a transfer from your everyday shampoo to an all-organic shampoo bar can be such a hassle?

Give promises that matter and keep them!

Give promises that matter and keep them!

It is the beginning of the new year – time to give yourself some promises and keep them! Think of yourself, but also of the world around you.

I guess hiatuses are sometimes needed. Taking a break from online life is a must for everybody. But know that we weren’t resting, just working harder and more intensively on another project. Stay tuned to find out more about it. Thank you for coming back to read our Can’t Human Properly thoughts – ideas far from average and wish to contribute as much as we can to the well-being of this Earth, which will be hopefully our home for another 50 years. Join us by giving promises to yourself and this wonderful planet we all call home!

Promises to yourself

Though January is half-way down, there is still enough time to write down your promises for the year. Since you as a person matters the most, it is wise to start from yourself. Think first of how you felt last year, about your health, relationships, goals, etc. Were you healthy and active? or should you make some changes in your eating habits? Did you have enough time for your hobbies? Did you start a project, which would benefit other people?

Get moving!

Working-out may be the answer to your low health state. Do not think of joining a gym, as this way, you just contribute to the never-ending consumerism and capitalism. Instead, save your money, log online and find a beginner’s exercise package through an app instance. Set two days and get into work-out gear. Though the beginning is tough, the good feeling will kick in soon and you start loving working out.

If working-out is really not your thing, then make a goal of 10 000 steps daily. It makes you feel better, even without sweating at the gym. If walking aimlessly is not your thing, then download an e-book and listen to it, while walking to meet your partner or going to do grocery shopping.

Eat food that matters

How about food? Do you like what you eat? Do you know where your food comes from or how it is made? If there are plenty of no’s as answers, then it is the time to stop and think. Perhaps you realize that ready-made, overly salty and sugary meals are not good for your health. Also, foods that take a long way to travel to your table do not contribute to the well-being of your local farmers. Check online for your local farmer’s markets or if there is nothing around, start learning more about what you can do to change this situation.

January is known also as a Veganuary. It is your chance to try not to eat meat and dairy. Why should you want to do that? Animal farming is known as one of the most devastating industries for Mother Earth. It is extremely strenuous for the environment, needs many resources and hence has a very big ecological footstep. Animal products are not needed and we can survive without consuming their bodily fluids, skin, and meat. There are plenty of plant-based options for every taste and craving out there. And if Meat Loaf can do it, so can you!

We will take the Liberation Pledge and be more dedicated and environmentally friendly vegans.

A mural painting on a building wall, showing a carriage full of vegetables and fruits.
Eat more local food, avoid animal products and buy less plastic

Do more for yourself

There are plenty of things you should have time for, as they help and make you feel good:

  • reading
  • sleeping in
  • breakfast in bed
  • going to the movies
  • walk a nature path
  • inviting friends over for a potluck
  • decluttering – fewer things, fewer worries
  • listening to music, I mean, really listen to music
  • cleaning out your fridge and discover food you can eat!
  • start a project you feel strongly about, which would help some special group of people or tackle an important issue
  • etc., etc., etc. Insert what makes you happy here and share it in the comments!

Perhaps you have a personal project or goal you neglected last year, this is your chance to tackle it with fresh energy. Personally, I will try to update my photography website and make it modern. It is a big cross I have dragged along with me for the longest time. I also want to hone my skills in architecture photography, which I have always found very interesting. In addition, I want to scribble down more of my thoughts, who knows perhaps one day they will be put together for a book! Dreams, dreams, dreams.

Promises to your close ones


Beautiful scene in a forest, which is showing light shining through the branches
Only through our actions, the environment can thrive and continue surviving.

Promises to Planet Earth

We here, at CHP appreciate nature a lot. We do not like consumerism and plastic and we love animals and saving food. So it is not difficult to guess what we are going to offer you, as something you can do in 2020 to make life better. Not just for yourself, but also for people around you and the environment.

We are going to follow this little list below. And we are offering you to try at least some of the things yourself, whether it’s for a few weeks, a month or even for a year. As long as you feel comfortable:

  • fasting
  • no buying
  • saving food
  • trying not to eat out
  • not buying items in plastic
  • not eating sugar and gluten


I guess there are always things we want to improve, start or continue what we like. But dedication is what we lack. Make sure you do not overcrowd your goal list and concentrate on up to 10 items.

You should come back to your goal list every month and see how you are doing. This is how you are not going to neglect them and actually work towards completing them!

Make sure to share your list, if it is not personal, also with your close ones, to inspire them to take steps to make their lives better too. And also to preserve the world around us.