Tag: plant-based

Eating local food doesn’t matter – what you eat does!

Eating local food doesn’t matter – what you eat does!

If you want to be more environmentally friendly, then you should eat local food. We all know that, right? But how wrong we have been believing that!

What to know about a shampoo (bar)?

What to know about a shampoo (bar)?

Nature lovers headache: who would have known that a transfer from your everyday shampoo to an all-organic shampoo bar can be such a hassle?

Give promises that matter and keep them!

Give promises that matter and keep them!

It is the beginning of the new year – time to give yourself some promises and keep them! Think of yourself, but also of the world around you.

I guess hiatuses are sometimes needed. Taking a break from online life is a must for everybody. But know that we weren’t resting, just working harder and more intensively on another project. Stay tuned to find out more about it. Thank you for coming back to read our Can’t Human Properly thoughts – ideas far from average and wish to contribute as much as we can to the well-being of this Earth, which will be hopefully our home for another 50 years. Join us by giving promises to yourself and this wonderful planet we all call home!

Promises to yourself

Though January is half-way down, there is still enough time to write down your promises for the year. Since you as a person matters the most, it is wise to start from yourself. Think first of how you felt last year, about your health, relationships, goals, etc. Were you healthy and active? or should you make some changes in your eating habits? Did you have enough time for your hobbies? Did you start a project, which would benefit other people?

Get moving!

Working-out may be the answer to your low health state. Do not think of joining a gym, as this way, you just contribute to the never-ending consumerism and capitalism. Instead, save your money, log online and find a beginner’s exercise package through an app instance. Set two days and get into work-out gear. Though the beginning is tough, the good feeling will kick in soon and you start loving working out.

If working-out is really not your thing, then make a goal of 10 000 steps daily. It makes you feel better, even without sweating at the gym. If walking aimlessly is not your thing, then download an e-book and listen to it, while walking to meet your partner or going to do grocery shopping.

Eat food that matters

How about food? Do you like what you eat? Do you know where your food comes from or how it is made? If there are plenty of no’s as answers, then it is the time to stop and think. Perhaps you realize that ready-made, overly salty and sugary meals are not good for your health. Also, foods that take a long way to travel to your table do not contribute to the well-being of your local farmers. Check online for your local farmer’s markets or if there is nothing around, start learning more about what you can do to change this situation.

January is known also as a Veganuary. It is your chance to try not to eat meat and dairy. Why should you want to do that? Animal farming is known as one of the most devastating industries for Mother Earth. It is extremely strenuous for the environment, needs many resources and hence has a very big ecological footstep. Animal products are not needed and we can survive without consuming their bodily fluids, skin, and meat. There are plenty of plant-based options for every taste and craving out there. And if Meat Loaf can do it, so can you!

We will take the Liberation Pledge and be more dedicated and environmentally friendly vegans.

A mural painting on a building wall, showing a carriage full of vegetables and fruits.
Eat more local food, avoid animal products and buy less plastic

Do more for yourself

There are plenty of things you should have time for, as they help and make you feel good:

  • reading
  • sleeping in
  • breakfast in bed
  • going to the movies
  • walk a nature path
  • inviting friends over for a potluck
  • decluttering – fewer things, fewer worries
  • listening to music, I mean, really listen to music
  • cleaning out your fridge and discover food you can eat!
  • start a project you feel strongly about, which would help some special group of people or tackle an important issue
  • etc., etc., etc. Insert what makes you happy here and share it in the comments!

Perhaps you have a personal project or goal you neglected last year, this is your chance to tackle it with fresh energy. Personally, I will try to update my photography website and make it modern. It is a big cross I have dragged along with me for the longest time. I also want to hone my skills in architecture photography, which I have always found very interesting. In addition, I want to scribble down more of my thoughts, who knows perhaps one day they will be put together for a book! Dreams, dreams, dreams.

Promises to your close ones


Beautiful scene in a forest, which is showing light shining through the branches
Only through our actions, the environment can thrive and continue surviving.

Promises to Planet Earth

We here, at CHP appreciate nature a lot. We do not like consumerism and plastic and we love animals and saving food. So it is not difficult to guess what we are going to offer you, as something you can do in 2020 to make life better. Not just for yourself, but also for people around you and the environment.

We are going to follow this little list below. And we are offering you to try at least some of the things yourself, whether it’s for a few weeks, a month or even for a year. As long as you feel comfortable:

  • fasting
  • no buying
  • saving food
  • trying not to eat out
  • not buying items in plastic
  • not eating sugar and gluten


I guess there are always things we want to improve, start or continue what we like. But dedication is what we lack. Make sure you do not overcrowd your goal list and concentrate on up to 10 items.

You should come back to your goal list every month and see how you are doing. This is how you are not going to neglect them and actually work towards completing them!

Make sure to share your list, if it is not personal, also with your close ones, to inspire them to take steps to make their lives better too. And also to preserve the world around us.

Two cents on becoming a vegan

Two cents on becoming a vegan

I was vegetarian for many years because I thought being vegan was impossible. I put vegans on a pedestal. My journey may inspire you like others have inspired me.

What is being vegan all about?

What is being vegan all about?

Sounds simple? On top of it all, vegans do not wear leather, wool, silk or any other fabrics derived from animals and also do not use products tested on animals. Vegans are known to be more environmentally friendly, active, healthier and often avoid smoking, alcohol, and drugs.