Tag: go vegan

We are still here, but mostly living in the kitchen!

We are still here, but mostly living in the kitchen!

After three and a half months of living on hiatus, it seems most suitable to break the long silence and share what we have been up to!

Vegan Very Much is having its 5th year Veganniversary!

Vegan Very Much is having its 5th year Veganniversary!

Do you celebrate your vegan anniversary? Is this even a thing? Yes, it is! And it even does have it’s special name – veganniversary!

Going vegan  – easy tips to help you get started

Going vegan – easy tips to help you get started

You have made a wonderful decision of going vegan. Good for you, we applaud your decision. But what’s next? Let us share some simple tips to help you!

Pat yourself on the shoulder for making that amazing decision. Summer is the easiest time to start your vegan journey. The new beginnings are sometimes hard and full of challenges. Let us direct you through the obstacles, which may arise. Please take a look at our short to-do list after making a decision when transitioning to a plant-based life. Please know that this list is in random order. You will find what is more important to you, so you can tackle that first. If you have anything else to add, please let us know, we would love to update this list.

Simple tips to follow to help your transition easier to vegan

*Start clearing your pantry, fridge, and freezer – read the labels and take all out which is not made of plants. But please do not trash the food. Look for donation options via community fridges, food banks, especially if you have lots of unopened products. If you have opened items and feel comfortable giving them away, please put everything in a box. Put it on the curb, or by recycling collection areas and your food will find a new home fast.

*Plan your meals – in the beginning, it may hard to find what to eat. That’s why you should have ideas for the first weeks. Find inspiration from Elephantastic Vegan.

*Tell your friends and family about your decision on going vegan – tell them your story. Add whatever you want to share with them, now when you are on your plant-based journey. Perhaps sharing this link from The Spruce Eats helps them to understand you better from the eating perspective.

*Educate yourself constantly – read more. Follow vegan news, check new recipes, visit vegan forums – the vegan community is there to help you.

*Meet other vegans – post on Instagram, follow fellow vegan websites, reach out in your neighbourhood groups – the people you meet there will always offer you support and help to answer your questions.

*Ask help from us – we are always here to help people transitioning to vegan and share personal tips on their righteous path.

Two wonderful vegan meals, a burger and fries.
Whoever told you that vegan food is boring, they were wrong. Look at this photo and you agree.

More to come, so keep your head up!

We will break these points to separate articles and help you find more information behind all these suggestions. So, please check back weekly to find more information.

It may not be easy in the beginning, but which beginning is easy ever? So stay true to yourself. Remind yourself of the reason for you going vegan. Think of the values, the lives of the animals in whose death you are not participating, and of what it means to you. We are creatures of habits, we can change if we want to, it takes time, but it can be done!

Welcome to the wonderful vegan family!

I want to be vegan for a month!

I want to be vegan for a month!

As luck has it January is known as Veganuary. Therefore it is very easy to try to be vegan for a month! Our three tips will help you!

Eating local food doesn’t matter – what you eat does!

Eating local food doesn’t matter – what you eat does!

If you want to be more environmentally friendly, then you should eat local food. We all know that, right? But how wrong we have been believing that!