Tag: free-from foods

Normalizing fasting for better health

Normalizing fasting for better health

Fasting is as natural as breathing. Imagine how healthy our relationship with food would be if we didn’t give ourselves access 24/7?

Sugar and gluten fast: 10 days is not enough

Sugar and gluten fast: 10 days is not enough

We realized that we are eating too much bread. Too much of anything is not good, so while at it, we stopped eating sugar as well. Read more about our 10 days journey!

How to appreciate the environment?

How to appreciate the environment?

As I wrote in my earlier post, I became vegan mostly for animals. I didn’t want to participate in their killing, but while as a vegetarian I was seemingly okay with the trauma, misfortunes, and death happening to fish, cows, chickens. I still consumed seafood and the bodily fluids and products made from them. Also, I wasn’t thinking so much about the environment.

Vegan for all

More than 10 years, I didn’t think of the environment, just the pain of animals. However, as a vegan, I became really awake, environmental protection really came to my mind. I am not an avid user of social media, but Instagram has been a really great tool for me on educating myself. At first, I following Peta, James Aspey and Animal Liberation Front and later many vegan individuals all around the world.

On this day, I am vegan for all – for animals, for the planet, and for health. I really love the way I feel without eating any animal products. I am not in a haze, nor do I feel overstuffed after rich meals and I am definitely a smarter shopper, as I make wiser decisions, taking into consideration planet Earth.

Since there are more vegans, actually the number of vegans has increased 160% over the past 10 years. Because of that, there is a higher demand and shops are responding to the changing needs. Many big supermarket chains all over the world have created special vegan range of foods and also free-from items such as in Tesco’s in the UK. If you haven’t noticed them, then I guess you really haven’t been looking for them in your home store.

Support local products

A great place to start is looking more closely at where most fresh produce and many packaged foods come from. When entering supermarkets to get our fresh produce, we oftentimes do not think from where these items have traveled from. But we should consider the environmental impact, and what we are supporting while buying these items. The foods that travel from the other side of the world, are not so environmentally-friendly as the produce coming near where you live.

Our eating habits can affect other countries’ economics and well-being. Exporting is good for any country’s well-being, but of course only to an extent. If we exploit a country and its resources, the people who live there cannot eat the products we demand from them. Then, this is a problem caused by us, for instance, quinoa and avocados are known to cause such problems in their country of origin. Kenya, for example, has banned the exporting of avocados, because the country’s supply is at risk. There is little room to think about what this means for the environment. More forests are cut down, oftentimes illegally, so more avocado trees can be planted.

Being vegan is definitely a better choice for the planet. Balance is the key to everything and also educating yourself. The long-haul produce traveling is not disappearing, but perhaps we do not have to eat quinoa and avocados every day. Maybe there are other people who do the same. I haven’t been a follower of popular food items. I have had quinoa, every now and then, but I haven’t bought it for years myself. What we should keep in mind is that there are products we can buy and therefore support small country economics. So the idea is not to boycott everything that comes from far away.

Fresh local produce in a cardboard box.
Prefer package free local products

Choices and needs?

It all comes down to our choices and needs. We do not have to eat products shipped from far away when we could eat the locally grown food variety instead. Not only eat, but we should grow more of the nutrient-rich foods, like beans, millet, peas, and hemp. What is good about pulses, is that they do not require nitrogen inputs and carbon emissions. Also, they are insect-pollinated thus boosting wildlife and biodiversity.

We basically have to grow more food locally for us, not to grab the food from other countries half the world away. Growing plant food is better for the land as well, because of the increased diversity, a grower doesn’t have to control so much the diseases, as usually happens when growing wheat from year to year.

Writing this article was heavily inspired by the Independent article, which you can read here.