Vegan Very Much is having its 5th year Veganniversary!

Vegan Very Much is having its 5th year Veganniversary!

Do you celebrate your vegan anniversary? Is this even a thing? Yes, it is! And it even does have its special name – veganniversary!

Interestingly enough the 5 years of being vegan kind of crept up to me last Sunday. I was just doing my usual evening computer work when I realized that the 6th of June marks the day when I/we became vegan. I let Eve know about this special discovery. Then I started looking for more information on how people celebrate it if at all. Apparently, this is a real thing and it has its own name: veganniversary! I found this beautiful website called Live Kindly and they had listed 11 Vegan Activities to Celebrate Your Veganniversary. I browsed the list and chose some activities we would like to participate in.

Just to give you few ideas you could easily enjoy on your veganniversary wherever you happen to be:

1. Make a Vegan Cake

2. Support a Vegan Business

3. Master Vegan Cuisine

4. Watch a Vegan Documentary

5. Treat Yo’ Self

+ as a bonus you can also throw a potluck party!

How we are going to celebrate our 5th year as vegans?

Since we are currently on our 10-day green smoothie cleanse (more about this in later posts), then we had to postpone the celebrations. Until the end of this week. LOL. Making a cake is a must, as we both love vegan sweets, but we are not going overboard consuming them. Some time ago we decided that we would only be supporting vegan businesses. Eating out is so overrated, especially if you are used to cooking food at home. Prices have gone really up and there is no need to support a business that is still participating in cruelty. We are definitely going to treat ourselves – chill at home, go for a walk and nibble something good. If we find a vegan documentary we already haven’t seen (except Earthling, which we can’t watch) then we will enjoy that activity as well.

Veganniversary morning with pancakes and fresh fruit is a perfect start for any vegans day.
Vegan pancakes are super easy to make, they look good and are so tasty!

Why you should celebrate veganniversary?

As with all things which are so-called out of the norm, need time and space. New information or practices are pushed aside, as they may be too extreme for people to understand. The same applies to people who do not eat meat. This is new and strange. I would love to think perhaps not so much on these days. But it is still not so widely accepted by omnivores who feel threatened by vegans.

So what we as vegans can do is to celebrate our special date when we become vegans. If you are just starting, then you can celebrate your first, second, and third, etc month of being vegan. Take pictures, share them on social media and try to normalize this ever so normal thing – not eating animals! Tell proud and loud that this is your veganniversary! The more exposure all kinds of vegan initiatives get, the more people accept, understand, and perhaps even want to go vegan themselves. We should not try to turn people vegan, but we can share the information and make them think about how much animals sacrifice to serve humans.

We hope that more people wake up and realize soon that animals are not our food. They are free beings who have a right to life, freedom, and care by their mothers. We are here to support them and help when they are in need. Other than that we do not need to eat stake, go to zoos, circus, buy leather items, spread honey on our bread and be almost vegans. Just find the compassion in your heart and put your taste buds aside.

This is what we are wishing on our special day – change of habits to many kind people!

*Pictured above is a cake we made using Loving it Vegans wonderful funfetti cake recipe. This is a very easy cake and ever so delicious. Can be made easily using oat flour, if you do not want to eat gluten. So perhaps this can be your veganniversary cake!

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