Vegan Very Much 2022 recap

Vegan Very Much 2022 recap

It was a quiet, yet busy time for the low-impact, vegan and environmentally friendly little community initiative that Vegan Very Much is.


Unfortunately, we didn’t post anything to our website for the whole of 2022. Mainly because we changed the direction of our home cooking. We are no longer offering sweets or snacks which include wheat or sugar. We stopped using these ingredients altogether. Sugar has been a bit more difficult to give up, as it sneaks into this or that. So if you are into healthy snacks, then please check out our online shop for sugar-free goodies.

We still continued rising money for a lovely Dara Farm Sanctuary. We started with this in the summer of 2021 First we held a bake sale. Karen, thank you for all your support while testing out the many goodies we were offering. Terence, a very kind fellow vegan, left us considerable donations, which gave a nice base for the fundraising.

Then we had a yard sale, which took place in December and yes, you heard it correctly – outside. So that wasn’t a big hit! Hahahaa. We put all the items we didn’t sell online and created an online fundraiser shop. This wasn’t a big hit.

In the summer of 2022, we had another yard sale, luckily in June. So we gathered some funds for the farm sanctuary. Then again in October, we had a two-day sale of the items donated by the kind community members. That was a great success and we were getting close to our goal of donating $500 to the Dara Farm Sanctuary.

Lastly, we had an appeal to our friends to help us close the fundraiser. Sure enough, they jumped on board and we met our goal and will be sending the money to the farm! Yay! Thank you to everybody who participated in this long project of ours.

Overall we continued volunteering, making sandwiches for those in need, handing out the donated sweets by Sweets of The Earth, and filling a regular basis the few community pantries in our area. We started helping out at the senior home where our friend moved in. Every now and then we send sweets to the people in the encampments.

We are happy members of a multicultural neighbourhood of East York. So this is fun to organize it right here. Veganism is not a thing in our area for sure, but we hope compassion is. We will continue doing what we have been doing so far, also this year.

More to come about the Dara Farm Sanctuary in the next few days.

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