Covid-19, the environment and us

Covid-19, the environment and us

Covid-19 is storming our consciousness, and its impact will not be forgotten. The environment has a break, as this virus has a positive impact on nature.

The world has been both reacting and responding to the novel coronavirus Covid-19. People are storming grocery stores to hoard food, toilet paper, and other essentials. To be honest, I never imagine I’d experience this reality in my life. As Y2K or year 2000 came and went and some of us still had the matched, candle and dwindling food supplies.

We are temporarily emitting less CO2!

Through a human effort to contain or better yet, mitigate the infectious virus, CO2 emissions have decreased by a quarter in the largest, most polluted economy – China. Unnecessary productions across the globe have been halted, and people should self-isolate, work from home and practice social distancing. While these things are great in slowing down the spread of coronavirus, it is amazing that humans can see a difference in the environment by simply putting a stop to the activities that negatively affect the planet. It’s unfortunate that production will speed up to catch up on what was missed after the corona nightmare is over.

What if we continue to do some of these things even after coronavirus is no longer a hot topic at the forefront of our collective mind? I hope we will think about the pandemic according to WHO (World Health Organization). And realize that our hearts and minds were changed because of this shared experience of vulnerability. I hope that we will be more careful and conscious consumers. That we’ll use our purchasing power wisely. Acknowledging that is just as important as voting for salespeople politicians if not more.

The power of health these days

At this time, many of us are keenly aware of the power of our health. Some of us did not take it so seriously just months ago last year. We eat what we want even if it is slowing killing us. Now is the time to eat vegan as it’s the safest way to make sure you don’t eat raw animal products. Since Covid-19 needs a human or animal host to grow and spread. The origins of this virus have been linked to lizards, bats and alive animal market in Wuhan, the epicenter of the virus since December 2019.

How our actions affect everything

What if we continued to drive less, buy less, take our health seriously knowing that it could be taken away at any time? No, living in fear is not the answer. But our very survival as humans on earth is threatened each and every day by the decisions we make or fail to make. Covid-19 is unknown and scary, while global warming has neem known for decades while we live in denial of it.

Two women showing their hands, which have to be washed many times for at least 20-30 seconds.
The easiest way to keep yourself healthy is to wash your hands often and thoroughly and not to touch your mouth, nose or eyes. Especially in public places.

What should I do during this time…?

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. (optional: while singing your favourite song in your head to spare others)
  • Avoid panic buying (more than your share of supplies, i.e., food, water, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and masks), but do get your meds!
  • Avoid large crowds and work from home if possible!

Update: Many places of work are now operating only remotely.

  • Have compassion for other humans- you probably don’t need 24 packs of yeast..if someone asks you for one to bake a cake for a child’s birthday party, give her one put some back! (crazy story a colleague shared, *SMH*).
  • And most importantly, hold dear a vision of a better tomorrow for humanity; one that honours all life!
  • meditate t centre yourself
  • Stay away from people who want to argue with you for not wearing a mask.

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