What is being vegan all about?

What is being vegan all about?

If you have recently heard more and more the words vegan, plant-based, veganism, etc. and you are a bit lost on what it all means or you are looking at the definition of veganism, then by the VeganSociety.com it is:

“A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment. In dietary terms, it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.”

Sounds simple? On top of it all, vegans do not wear leather, wool, silk or any other fabrics derived from animals and also do not use products tested on animals. Vegans are more environmentally friendly, active, healthier, often avoid smoking, alcohol, and drugs.

All vegans are connected by plant-based food, which is what initially defines. This is also the main reason for heated discussions between vegans and non-vegans. As a plant eater, you just have to understand that your life can be a constant justification of why you no longer eat animal products. I wonder do vegans also always think why carnivores are not vegans instead?

Busting a myth about vegans

Vegans do not only eat salad, but they are very creative. They love eating an array of different vegetables, legumes, nuts, grains, fruits, seeds. Also, a common practice is stuffing themselves (hopefully not every day) with special replacement products. Options are endless: you can choose a variety of mock meat, cheese, milk, and butter. Most processed foods are no longer healthy, so we should not eat such products so often. All in all, it is very easy to ‘veganize‘ any recipe. On these days the Internet is bulging with so many healthy, mouth-watering and easy recipes. Even from an average grocery store, it is possible to find plant-based products, which satisfy even the craziest food lovers. If you didn’t get the memo, then search more on Instagram #veganfood.

Bowl of plant-based food in a vegan restaurant.
Plant-based meals, which are made of easily purchased products and simple to cook at home

Not all vegans instantly know what it is all about, like me for example. I wasn’t thinking of animal exploitation or being super healthy, I just didn’t eat animal products, when I became vegetarian. Beans, seeds, nuts? I didn’t care much what I was putting into my mouth, as long that wasn’t meat! When I became vegan, I became more, as we here on Can’t Human Properly say, awake and the rest followed in time. Living is learning. If you are thinking of becoming vegan, then know, that there is a lot to discover first, but that is the fun part.

Thinking like a vegan

When people first become vegan, they may only think about food. Once new plant-eaters hunger is taken care of, they may start thinking more about animals and therefore of the environment as well. Not only about the safety of animals, but also that they are individuals and have feelings as well. They have every right to exist in this world as we do, their sole purpose is not only to be the food on our plates!

The devastation of animal farming

Animal farming has an overly high impact on planet earth. Vast areas in the industry are dedicated to growing food for the cattle. Unfortunately, cattle manure is high in nitrogen, which moves easily in the environment as a gas. Nitrogen in the form of ammonia (NH3) is particularly concerning because of its potential to create odors and negatively impact air and water quality, animal and human health. Many species lose their habitats and therefore die out and become extinct. More forests are cleared every day by big companies to create more animal agriculture land. This is not just for production, but mostly growing food for animals.

We, here in Can’t Human Properly, don’t think that a simple, I love meat and we need to eat meat can justify this. Earth’s environmental situation is not so great and if we do not make changes, we are doomed. The future generations are not going to able to enjoy the world our parents did.

On top of that, the food industry is also a monster. It is creating lots of pollution, waste and is oftentimes abusive to the growers of some particular foods. The food economy is responsible also for the growing waste problems. It happens mostly due to the high production of plastic, which is threatening marine life, waterways. Therefore affecting directly, fish, animals, birds and human health.

Plastic hearts from a confetti laying on the street.
Plastic waste is everywhere, even in the smallest things in life

How did we start eating meat?

Yes, eating meat has been normal for us and practiced quite since the beginning of the humankind. It helped us to grow bigger brains and move out of Africa to colder climates. Still, our first meals were plants, berries, nuts, and seeds. As the human mind developed, we became smarter and learned how to capture animals, birds, and fish and consume all that we could of the catch.

Beyond evolution, we have become “meat hooked”, as Marta Zaraska titled her book ”Our 2.5 million year obsession with meat.” We live in the 21st century, where most things are possible and there are so many options NOT to eat animals. It is maddening that one should question why people are vegans! Yeah, in ancient times there weren’t beans, legumes, tofu, healthy fats, (definitely no avocados), different flours, fruits, and vegetables. But we do now, so we are not so solely dependent on meat. Thankfully, times have changed, and vegan is the new future! Keep calm and join!


Ammonia Emissions and Animal Agriculture, Jennifer G. Becker and Robert E. Graves

VeganSociety.com, definition veganism

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