
Our story

It began in a foreign country in Western Europe. It was the summer of 2018. We made a move and later, another decision that would change our lives f o r e v e r.

The city was Berlin. The year was 2017, in the month of November. We relocated (expatriated) to the city of beer and currywurst and simultaneously the vegan capital of Europe.

Almost a year later, in the summer of 2018, we did something in the community that was EYE-OPENING for us. What did we do?

We volunteered at the Berlin Food Sharing Festival.

At this point, we did not know too much about the scene in Berlin, though we had saved food (i.e. saving food before it goes to a landfill)  in Toronto a few years prior. This event was a catalyst for how we would live our lives in Berlin – the humbling experience of getting package-free produce and many goodies in a small group at Alexanderplatz under the bridge (the meet happens every day!).

We furnished our apartment using used items from eBay Kleinezegan, we challenged ourselves to buy less plastic (therefore processed products), and not to mention, we LIVED WELL without the convenience of a fridge!

We have documented this journey on this website, you can read all about it under our blog section.

We are back in Canada and excited as we open a new chapter with a brand new name, Vegan Very Much!

Our Mission at Vegan Very Much

C r e a t e

As humans, we are creators who are capable of bringing brilliant ideas to life.

Co m p a s s i o n

We believe veganism is compassionate for both animals (especially factory animals) and the environment. This extends to showing compassion to others.

C o m m u n i t y

It is our intent to connect with you and create a community of like-hearts.

Do you resonate with our mission? If so, stick around and join our creative and compassionate community!

Work with us

Want us to write a guest post on your website? Review a plastic-free product etc.? We’d love to hear from you

For business inquires or general questions, please CONTACT US.

NB: If you are releasing a new environmentally friendly product, email us a high-res image of the item and specs and we will introduce it ASAP. Also contact us if you have something burning you want to share with a bunch of people, who are eager to save our lovely planet.

Images are purposely black and white, except food. All images are the work of Kerly (Co-Founder of Vegan Very Much).

Need a professional photographer in Toronto, look no further!  Hire her!

Meet Kerly

Meet Eve

1 thought on “ABOUT US”

  • Hello Eve,

    We met yesterday at the Danforth Picnic

    Just wanted to let you that your tuna sandwich was absolutely delicious.
    Totally enjoyed it .

    I would love for you to attend our next event. (We are still planning)

    As I totally recommend your shop since I have can honestly say that your food is wonderful .

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